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Personal Ad. Wanted. Photocopier for Committed Relationship.

[caption id="attachment_433" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Approx likeness of BOA copier. "]Approx likeness of BOA copier. [/caption] Like most organizations we at BOA rely heavily on our photocopier for our day-to-day operations. We love our photocopier and treat it with the utmost respect and reverence it deserves. We are constantly stroking its ego, telling it how much it means to us and that we could not possibly survive without it. We thought we had a “mutual understanding” that we were in an exclusive relationship. Our copier, it turns out, has other ideas. For reasons unbeknownst to us, it wants out. It has shut down and refuses to communicate. Sadly, as nothing we have done or seemingly can do will make it change its mind we realize we must move on. So we are actively looking for a replacement copier and are willing to jump right in to a new relationship even if it is on the rebound. But, we need a Matchmaker, and fast. If you know anyone who is upgrading their office equipment and has a gently used copier they wish to donate, or sell to us at a reasonable price, please contact BOA office manager Melissa Hall at or 546-3410 ext. 11.
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