Wyn Cooper on Poetry Daily
[caption id="attachment_874" align="alignleft" width="167" caption="Chaos Is the New Calm by Wyn Cooper"][/caption]
Congratulations to Wyn Cooper for having the poem "Fin" from his new collection Chaos Is the New Calm featured on Poetry Daily over the weekend!
You can read the poem here: ["Fin" on Poetry Daily]
If you're a poetry reader and not familiar with Poetry Daily... you should check them out and become a subscriber! Every day, a new poem and poetry-related updates are emailed right to you. It's one of our favorite poetry sites and we guessing it'll become one of yours too.
Here's some info on Poetry Daily taken from their website:
Poetry Daily is an anthology of contemporary poetry. Each day, we bring you a new poem from new books, magazines, and journals.
Poems are chosen from the work of a wide variety of poets published or translated in the English language. Our most eminent poets are represented in the selections, but also poets who are less well known. The daily poem is selected for its literary quality and to provide you with a window on a very broad range of poetry offered annually by publishers large and small. Included with each poem is information about the poet and the poem's source.
Our purpose is to make it easier for people to find poets and poetry they like and to help publishers bring news of their books, magazines, and journals to more people. Well over 1,000 books of poetry are published in the United States alone each year, but they can be difficult to find, even in areas brimming with bookstores. The numerous journals presenting new poetry and poets can be even more elusive. We will lead you to them and, in the meantime, we give you a new poem to carry with you through your day and share with others.
[Poetry Daily]
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