Minneapolis Star Tribune reviews Cradle Book
Cradle Book comes off its mention in the New Yorker as one of the “Eleven Best Poetry Books of 2010” with a lovely review in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Among other things, the review points out:
“Ours is a world in which fables are uncomfortable inhabitants. Craig Morgan Teicher, the 2007 Colorado Prize-winning poet for "Brenda Is in the Room and Other Poems," knows this. He knows we are unlikely to fall for (or follow) some pithy statement about how we ought to live our lives. Instead, in "Cradle Book," he leaves the reader, usually in some charged darkness, wondering what to do, where to go. His fables, like his poems (born of this beautiful, ambiguous and often downright confusing world), promise not answers but gorgeous articulations of the questions.”
Read the whole review here [MN Star Tribune reviews Cradle Book]
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