Writer, professor, performer, and literary critic Daniela Gioseffi was born and raised in New Jersey. Gioseffi’s first book of poetry, Eggs in the Lake, was a finalist for the Yale Series of Younger Poets and for the Pitt Series of Younger Poets. It received award grants from the New York State Council of the Arts of the National Endowment for the Arts. Her other collections of poetry include Word Wounds & Water Flowers (1995), Going On (2000), Symbiosis (2002), and Blood Autumn (Autumno di sangue) (2006). Her prose work has also received numerous awards, including an American Book Award for her Women on War: International Writing from Antiquity to the Present, and a PEN Short Fiction Award for “Daffodil Dollars” from her collection, In Bed With the Exotic Enemy (1997).