Recent Blog Posts

BOA Editions Author, Renia White, at Château de Lavigny: A Transformative Residency
Renia White, an accomplished poet and creative non-fiction writer based in Brooklyn, NY, recently experienced a month-long residency at the Château de Lavigny in Switzerland, from May 28 to June 24, 2024. Renia, who has a BA from Howard University and an MFA from Cornell University, is the author of the poetry collection Casual Conversation (BOA Editions Ltd., 2022), which was selected for the Blessing the Boats award. Her work has been featured in notable publications such as NO NIIN, The Recluse, and the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series. Anticipation and Arrival Renia’s excitement for the residency was palpable...
- Categories: Author Event, interview

See you in Seattle for #AWP2023!
BOA will be tabling at AWP’s Conference & Bookfair this year in Seattle, Washington! The 2023 AWP Conference & Bookfair takes place March 8–11 at the Seattle Convention Center, Seattle, WA. More information and updates can be found on AWP’s website. You’ll find BOA at Booth #1232! Below we’ve compiled lists of all signings, panels, and offsite events featuring BOA writers. We'll keep updating this list as we learn of new events, so check back later for more! Author Book Signings at the BOA Booth (#1232) Thursday, March 9 Alicia Mountain, author of Four in Hand at 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Matt Donovan, author of The Dug-Up...
- Categories: Author Event, AWP, BOA News

We'll see you at AWP!
BOA is thrilled to be back at AWP this year at Booth 1127! Stop by to see us, get an early (and signed) copy of one of our forthcoming spring books and recent backlist, and grab a sticker! As we prepare, we wanted to share our signing schedule and all of our authors' panels here. AWP will be held from March 23–26, 2022 in Philadelphia, PA in the Pennsylvania Convention Center. More details can be found on AWP's website. Author Signings at the BOA Booth Erika Meitner, Useful JunkThursday, March 24, 2022, 10:00 am to 10:45 am Justin Jannise, How to be Better by Being...
- Categories: Author Event, AWP, BOA News

Dine & Rhyme 2021
On Friday, October 8, 2021, BOA held its 24th annual Dine & Rhyme celebrating 20 years of the A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize with a documentary created by Kai Carlson-Wee. Geffrey Davis, Chen Chen, & Keetje Kuipers enriched the evening with readings from their various repertoires of BOA published books. This year's silent auction was hosted online through 32actions thanks to donations from many incredible sponsors and donors. 2021 brought back Dine & Rhyme as an in-person event at the Rochester Academy of Medicine and created an atmosphere accented with a beautiful architectural space, good company, and opportunities to interface with the...
- Categories: A. Poulin Jr. Prize, Author Event, BOA Events, BOA News, Dine & Rhyme

City of Rochester to Proclaim April 20th as “BOA Editions Day”
The City of Rochester is honoring BOA Editions, Ltd.—one of the nation’s leading independent publishers of poetry and literary fiction—by proclaiming April 20, 2018 as “BOA Editions Day.” The mayoral proclamation will be issued during a poetry celebration at the City Hall Atrium featuring a reading by award-winning poet Chen Chen. The celebration, which takes place during National Poetry Month, will be held on April 20th at 6:00 PM. The event is free and open to the public. BOA Publisher Peter Conners says: “Having Mayor Warren proclaim BOA Editions Day is such wonderful recognition of our contributions to Rochester’s cultural...
- Categories: Author Event, BOA Editions, BOA Events, BOA News, National Poetry Month